E-ISSN : 2980-1230


The articles should be prepared in A4 size using the ‘Office Word’ program and their length should not exceed 25 pages and 8000 words with all visual and written materials. All parts of the article should be included in the word count calculation.

The authors must comply with all the rules set out in this manual. Articles that do not comply with the rules are returned to the authors for correction before being submitted for review.

The articles to be submitted for publication in the journal should consist of the following sections and should be forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief via the specified electronic system. Applications to be made by other methods will not be taken into consideration.

Author(s) identity and resume information
Title, Abstract (English and Turkish) and Keywords
Referee Suggestions
Visual Documents

Heading 1 and 2-7 must be sent in two separate MS Word files.
Curriculum Vitae
The CV page must be prepared as a separate MS Word file. The identity page should include the name (s)of the author (s), the institutions they are affiliated with, their duties, the city, region, country they live in and the CV text.
Resumes should be communicated in English and, if necessary, also in Turkish, should be prepared separately for each author and should not exceed 50 words. The email address of the author should be added at the end of each resume.
Credentials must be prepared in accordance with the following example.
Received her B.Arch in Architecture from University of A (1992) and MSc in Restoration from C University, Faculty of Architecture (1999). Earned each PhD degree in Architecture from Restoration Chair(2003). Currently works as an Assistant Professor in Balikesir University. Major research interests include disaster risk management, historical and traditional construction techniques, disaster risk management, material conservation and sustainability of heritage buildings. [email protected]
Department of Architecture Faculty, Restoration, Balikesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey
Title, Abstract and Keywords
The title page of the article should consist of Turkish and English title (14 point and dark), abstract and abstract (10 point) and keywords. Titles should be prepared to best reflect the content and be as short as possible.
Summary in English and Turkish should be provided regardless of the language of the article. In summary, the title translation should also be delivered. According to the length of the article, the summary is expected to be between 200-800 words. It must not exceed 1000 words under any circumstances. Abstract; should include descriptive information about the purpose, basic findings and results of the article and should not include source representation unless necessary. At least 3 and at most 5 keywords should be prepared in the own language of the abstract. The number of words and keywords covering all parts of the article should be included under the relevant summary.


The writings should be prepared in A4 size using the ‘Office Word’ program and their length should not exceed 25 pages and 8000 words with all visual and written materials. It is desired that the "track changes" feature is turned off before being transmitted. No form changes should be made other than those specified below. The text should be 11 font size, with the character ‘Times New Roman’ and one and a half line spacing. In writing, a character space should be left after punctuation such as comma, dot, semicolon.

Initial indentation should not be used in the paragraphs, and 6nk space should be left after the paragraph. The text should be edited side-by-side. Paragraphs should also not contain blank lines.

If the text is subdivided, these sections are indicated by the numbers placed on the left side of the text. The main and subheadings should be written in bold and recessed to the left. Subheadings should be numbered in decimal such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1., 1.1.2. The third level is considered as the last subdivision and should not be further detailed. All letters of the main titles should be written in capital letters and 12 font size, and only the initials of the subtitles should be written in capital letters, and all main and intermediate titles should be 11 font size. Headings should be segmented up to a maximum of 5 levels. 1 line should be left before the main titles and no space should be left after the title. No line spaces should be left both before and after the subheadings.
1: SECTION (bold, bold, uppercase)
2: Cut (bold) First Letters Capitalized
3: Subtitle (bold style, first letters are uppercase)



In the text, quotes can be made in accordance with ethical criteria, provided that they are referenced. It is recommended to avoid direct quotation. However, in unavoidable cases; the quote should be taken in double quotation marks and should be written with 9 point and single line spacing starting from 1 cm inside from the left. Attribution or source information should be provided at the end of the quote. When quoted in this way, the skipped parts should be indicated by three dots. The author's opinion in the excerpt can be added in square brackets. The names of the buildings and places in Turkish should be protected exactly. In mathematical representations, facilitated representations that can be used in the string phase should be preferred. Equations should be numbered on the right side of the text and within the separator. Symbols and names that are not common or common in a field other than journal specialties are requested to be defined by underlining in the first use.

1. Source Representation in Text
Open source display in text

TCrane (2011) states that the roots of the vegetation on the soil aggravate the soil and cause landslides as it facilitates the absorption of water by the soil and allows it to be kept better.

Two-authored resource representation:

Only the surname of the first author is used in the source display, which has more than two authors. After the surname is written, et al. is used as the abbreviation of "and others". For example:
Natural disasters are defined by Şahin et al.(2001) as events that cause interruption in the socio-economic and cultural activities of the society or adversely affect these activities, cause significant loss of life and property, and are mainly caused by natural causes
Other considerations should be arranged in accordance with the APA style.
Closed source display in text
Normal example with single author:
In the period between 1951-1980, the arrangements for the measures to be taken after the disaster were emphasized. After the 1976 Friului and 1980 Irpinian earthquakes, a regulation was made for the repair of damaged buildings and the construction of new houses by the Law No. 546 enacted in 1977. However, no regulation has been made to define the disaster area (Alexander, 1985).
Two-authored resource representation:
Earthquakes are hazards of geological/geomorphological origin that occur suddenly. Short-term oscillation and vibration movements due to earth-shell movements are called earthquakes. (Şahin & Sipahioğlu, 2009)
Resource representation with more than two authors:
When applied to the coasts of the Marmara Sea, three different tsunami scenarios were obtained for the Marmara Sea Other considerations should be arranged in accordance with the APA style.

Online resources

In the illustrations related to the resources provided on the internet, the publication year is given after the author or institution name in the text. They are characterized by natural hazard events, their magnitude, severity, starting speed, duration and areas of influence (UNISDR, 2009). The cited online work must be provided with the full URL and full access date in the “Resources” section.


The American Psychological Association (APA) or IEEE style should be used for the reference system, footnote display format and bibliography editing of articles. References should be made in brackets (author surname, date: page no) or in square brackets [number] using the conjunction method in the text. If there is no author name, the institution name can be written. In case of annotations, it should be written as a footnote at the bottom of the page and in 8 font size. If more than one work of the same author published within a year is cited, it should be shown in the works with the letters a, b, c next to the year.
If the source is a website and the author is known, a similar reference should be made to periodicals. If the author is unknown, the institution of the website should be written. If the date of the internet source is not given, the abbreviation of the unknown date (n.d) should be written instead of the date. Date of access to the site and web address should be provided.
All references used in the article should be found in the bibliography section. Resources should be sorted alphabetically by author surname. The works of the same author in different years should be put into the bibliography starting from the "oldest date". The works of the same author in the same year should be sorted according to the alphabetical order of their first letters by using letters such as a, b, c.


All visual materials (tables, figures, graphics, etc.) in the article should be placed in the appropriate places of the text in a sequentially numbered form and centered on the page. Each visual material must have a title. If there will be more than one visual material for a title, the title can be explained accordingly by expressing it with letters such as a, b, c. The title should be written on the page under the visual material, with the center, only the initials of the first word and special names being large, and in 10 font size. The text in the visual material should be in the range of 8-10 fonts and prepared in the font ‘Times New Roman’. The dimensions of the visual material must be arranged in such a way as to ensure that it is legible and understandable.
Tables can be transmitted in MSWord and in text if created in accordance with the conditions. However, due to the technical obligations for publication, the editor has right to request. If the tables are transmitted in a program other than MSword, they should be transmitted in separate files in "pdf", "jpeg" or "tiff" format, indicating the number and six titles. In addition, its position should be determined in the text. Table headings should be provided where the table should be included in the text. The representation should be in the form of Table 1…..

1 2 3
x y z

Table 1 Distribution of the AA-CC group as x y z
Visual Documents
Writers are requested to submit the original visual documents. In order for the published visual documents to be published without the written permission of the owners, a period of 10 years is required for technical subjects and a period of 50 years for fine art subjects.
International and national broadcasting rights agreements, copyright and broadcasting laws apply. Copyright of all kinds of original articles, pictures, drawings and photographs published in the journal belongs to the author. In order to use such documents that do not expire belonging to another person or institution, they must be submitted to the editor by the author with the written permission of the relevant person or institutions.
All of the images to be used in the article must be delivered as separate files, and the naming must be made in accordance with the name and location given in the document (Figure 1.). It is desired that the resolutions of the images should be 300 dpi and the horizontal edges should be 10 cm (1200 pixels). Subsequently sized images cannot be accepted because they will not be correct in printing.
When the image needs to be large due to technical reasons, it should be notified to the Editor and it should be maximum 18 cm x 24 cm in order to be placed in the page.

Visual Document Naming

The naming of the images should be done according to their type and the order in which they are used in the text. Photograph, drawing and picture names are required to be shown in the text as; (Image 1), (Image 2). Below the image, align with the image:
Image 1. Volcano section (source, date)
Should be given in the form. Likewise, in tables and charts, the text should be named as (Table 1) (Table 2).
In formula representations; options that will facilitate equation, sequence and symbolization signs should be preferred. For example:
Exp[(x2+ ab-y 2)1/4/b]
will prevent errors in the string process as well as shorten and accelerate the processes. Equations should be numbered in a separator on the right side and links related to these numbers should be established in the text. Uncommon symbols and terms should be underlined and explained in the first use.
Icons and abbreviations
All special abbreviations made in the text and the symbols used in the formulas should be given under the text before the bibliography.
All figures occurring per sentence must be indicated in writing.


Applicants are expected to recommend their writings as 2 (two) expert referees, which they think they can evaluate academically. The file containing the referee suggestions and which must be forwarded separately; the contact information of the referees should be included. The proposal of the author is taken into consideration when appointing the referee, but the suggestions are not binding.


The authors of the articles accepted for publication are informed by e-mail. After this stage, the authors are contacted and the issues that need to be done by the authors in order to prepare the article for publication are communicated and are expected to be completed immediately. The responsibility for eliminating the problems and deficiencies identified at this stage belongs to the author.

After the typing process of the article is completed, it is sent to the author for review and approval. At this stage, only formal interventions are allowed. In cases where the content change is deemed necessary by the author, the editor reserves the right to re-submit the article to the referee.


Karesi Journal of Architecture pays attention to the correct and clean use of language and the correctness of academic terminology. The use of foreign equivalents of words in Turkish is expected as it is considered that deriving technical concepts and patterns that do not have equivalent terms in the target language is within the scope of academic responsibility. In compulsory situations foreign words or concepts should be written in italics. Turkish words and concepts that did not exist before or are not widely used should be written in parentheses next to their foreign counterparts, and then Turkish counterparts should continue to be used in the continuation of the text.
In cases where the spelling rules are not mentioned above, the considerations adopted in scientific writings should be taken into account.


During the publication phase, the status of the article can be followed on the web page of the journal. In addition, the specified e-mail addresses can be contacted provided in the contact section of the web page.

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